
Welcome to the blog.

I share about and discuss about a different aspect of digital marketing every one or two weeks.

That Ad That Made You Sad: Emotions in Viral Marketing

A few months ago, a friend and I were discussing what makes us cry. ‘Thai ads,’ he said. Not what I was expecting, but Thai advertisements have certainly come to be synonymous with virally heart-wrenching videos. Entire compilations have sprung up online for viewing, um, pleasure. Many of these advertisements are nearly short films, but…

Micro-Moments: The Modern Mobile Marketer’s Muddle

Over the past decade, it became increasingly evident that mobile devices would become ingrained into our lives, digitalising life in a way we had never known. While this inevitability has been met with varying degrees of disapproval and even revulsion (as evidenced by the dearth of positive comics on mobile use), it has become a…

Dot your Is and cross your Ts: SEM for SMEs

How about this: you’ve just set up your new business, and maybe you are a little tight on cash, so the marketing budget must go – except you must market your business. Social media marketing, at least, is free, though it does require an awful lot of time and effort. Search engine marketing (SEM) isn’t…

Freemium models: Who is losing out?

Hopefully, no one is. It might seem unavoidable; either the business is losing out on profit by letting customers use their products for free, or consumers are paying for a product they could be getting for free. Yet big names like LinkedIn, Dropbox and now Youtube use a freemium business model. So, it must work,…

Digital Detoxes: The Bane of Social Media Marketing?

By 2020, Singaporeans spent 2 hours a day on social media. They will have scrolled past updates from friends and family, the quintessential pet pictures, and brand content. There is something fundamentally addictive about social media to users, and businesses have long since learned to leverage on social media for business strategies. Yet as social…

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